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Product Details

This piece is very special to me for a few reasons. Firstly, I drew this sketch April of 2022 while stuck in the Hennipen County psychward where I was recovering from a mental breakdown. This time in my life was pivitol, I was able to spend time rekindeling my love of sketching. I had never added color to my drawings previously. When I was released from the hosptial I was driven to turn that sketch into something more.


I had the idea of creating a canvas like wall piece using my sewing techinques for a while but this sketch game me a model to follow.


The colors and shapes of the materials arent exact matches to the original sketch but I tried to get as close as I could with the fabric I had laying around from previous collections.


The second reason this piece is significant to me is that I proved a few things to my self through this piece. I proved my concept that sewn textiles can be appreciated as higher art for and not only a mass commodity. I usually hate my work but I dont mind this one.


This piece mesauses 3ftx4ft. There is no set orientation for the piece. All fabric sourced in the United States. All shapes were cut, sewn and mounted in Minneapolis Minnesota.



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